4 Types of salami 1 Sppressetta

Salami Hanging in Bathroom incubatting for 36 hours
At about 85 degrees and 65% Humidity

Used bactoferm FRM 52

1. Salami
2. Salami
3. Salami
4. Salami

First Day


Contact Information
Tony Girgenti


Ingredient 1: Ground Pork
Ingredient 1: Ground Pork
Ingredient 1:Ground Pork
Ingredient 1: Ground Pork
Ingredient 1: Ground Pork
Ingredient 1:Ground Pork


Salame Hanging in the Bathroom to incubate Good Bacteria

Temperature was kept at 85 degrees and 70 to 80% Humidity

Humidity droped as soon as the doors were open


Hygrometer and Humidifier.


Both Units

Salames after 20 hours of hanging

This is some description about it. This is some description about it. This is some description about it.

Humidity was kept high during this time

Some white mold forming in 20 hours



Good White Mold

Almost ready to go in the curing chamber

Curing Chamber Temperature kept between 50 and 60 Degrees Humidity almost 70%


White mold blossoming nicely

Thin Salame with natural casings not molding yet


6 days in the curing Chamber and looking good slight white mold forming on the thinner salami


Had to rearrange the salame some were getting wet from the humidifier.

Had to turn off the humidifier for a day it was getting way to wet in the chamber.

Staying more uniform in Temp and Humidity.

Note some white mold forming on the thinner salamis.

This is day 7.


My New CAP Air 2 I retrofitted the relay in the Humidistat now works flawlessly

Curing Chamber Temperature kept between 55 and 69 Degrees Humidity almost 70%


This Cap AIR-2 Is the best out there


Small timer for my new Fan inside every 6 Hours goes on for 1.5 hours Circulates the Air


6 days in the curing Chamber and looking good slight white mold forming on the thinner salami


Very Nice Mold on Memorial Day 05/31/2010 16 Days


Mold is dry and Thick now


New Fan in Chamber makes a cool breeze like the Mediterranean Sea

Note some white mold forming on the thinner salamis.

This is day 16.


Almost looks ready But must dry a couple more weeks

Curing Chamber Temperature is now almost perfect Temp 55-58 degrees


Added Some Caccitore on June 5th They are all the smaller dark ones

Thin Salami Caccitore natural casings just stating to mold


All Looking good


Chamber is working to perfection with the Cap-Air2


All coming along some almost ready The smaller ones

Staying more uniform in Temp and Humidity.

Note some white mold forming on the thinner salamis.

New ones have been in for a week now.



More pics coming soon