Where can I get an FTP program? FTP programs are in abundance on the
Internet today coming in many flavors and a wide variance in cost. Ranging from free shareware to paid commercial software. A very reasonable FTP program that is commercially available is CuteFtp, and can be
found at http://www.cuteftp.com
You can also locate more FTP programs by going to http://www.shareware.com Why do I need a FTP program to transfer my files to your server? Well, quite honestly, how else would you get it to our servers. No smart guy, you can NOT email
your website to us and have us post it online for you! How do I transfer my files to you via FTP? Files are transfered to us via FTP to your domain. So you'd setup the FTP program of your choice to
connect to www.yourdomain.com
using your username and password combination to login. Then you would transfer your html and cgi scripts in ascii mode and your images in binary mode. To find out more information on FTP please check here.